Sunday, 23 March 2014

Project #3 - Calabash bowl from Blue Gum log (Part 2)

I have started to hollow out the inside of the calabash.
Hollowed out inside of Blue Gum calabash
Because this came from a branch, it has many interesting cracks and knots.
Big knot from an offshoot branch

Cracks from the wood being dried out

Knot from the other side

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Project #4 - Purple Heart Table Leg

There are certain woods that are brightly coloured. Purple Heart is one of these. When you cut the wood and work with it, it is a brown colour, but if left to oxidize, it becomes a brilliant purple colour.
The end of the Purple Heart that has oxidized bright purple

I sanded one side of the block that I was turning, and you can see the differences in colour between the sanded part (the brown), and the un-sanded part (the purple).
Difference in colour between oxidized and non-oxidized
I then turned this block to make it into a fancy looking table leg. I am planning on making a coffee table, and using this piece as the main leg.

Purple Heart table leg almost complete
I still need to do more sanding and cutting, and I need to let it oxidize for a while to get its nice purple colour.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Project #1 - Pine Bowl Completed

This was what the bowl looked like before final sanding and varnishing.
The almost finished Pine Bowl

After varnishing... the finished product!

The completed Pine Bowl!

The completed Pine Bowl - Different Angle
The completed Pine Bowl - Other side of the bowl

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Project #3 - Calabash bowl from Blue Gum log (Part 1)

We recently felled a Blue Gum tree that was growing in our garden. After letting the wood dry out for a while, I found a log that I thought I would make a nice Calabash style bowl.

Log of Blue Gum

Once the log was selected, I needed to debark it and cut it level so that it could be turned on the lathe.

The log after being debarked
After some work on the lathe, the outside is taking a nice shape.

Outside shaping of the Calabash
Now comes time to hollow out the inside.